Wednesday 12 March 2008

Underrated Pain.

I received a papercut today and it hurt.

Not only does it hurt now but I know that it will continue to hurt for the next three days, especially if it comes into contact with salt, vinegar or anything of that ilk.

People should give more credit to this tiny flesh wound.


Camille said...

Oh my god, I got a FOUR-PAGE cut UNDER MY NAIL the other day. Every time I applied pressure, the two sides of the wound came apart like the Red Sea before Jesus. Believe me, I know where you're coming from.

Anonymous said...


Ok... hardly underrated.

But nothing incites revenge on inanimate objects quite like stubbing your toe.

Unknown said...

You're a puss-ay Bergo.


(Pronounce it how Bill Hader does in Superbad.)